Download & Play Age of Empires Mobile on PC

Download & Play Age of Empires Mobile on PC

Age of Empires Mobile is a new game that is exclusively available on mobile devices, but there is a way to play it on PC. Playing Age of Empires Mobile on PC will give you many benefits, like no lag, better performance, higher FPS, and better graphics. You will also be able to control troops easier. Even if the game is unavailable in your country, you can still play it.

So to play Age of Empires Mobile on PC, you will have to download an emulator called Bluestacks. You can use any other emulator. The steps will be the same. Based on our testing, Bluestacks performs the best, and you are able to open multiple instances so you can play more accounts at the same time to play different games.

Keep in mind that games are still in beta, which means that they are available in a few countries. If your country is not available, you will need a VPN and a few more steps.

Download Age of Empires Mobile on a PC

Download Age of Empires Mobile on a PC

To download Bluestacks, you can Google it or use our download buttons, which will take you to the official Bluestacks page. Once you are on the official Bluestacks pages, click on the blue button to download Bluestacks.

When the downloading is over, you have to install it, just like with other applications. After installing and opening it, you will have to download the Age of Empires Mobile app inside Bluestacks.

Install Age of Empires Mobile on your PC

Install Age of Empires Mobile on your PC

Once you install Bluestacks, you will have to install Age of Empires Mobile inside Bluestacks in order to play it. If you used our button to download it, it should have Age of Empires Mobile pre-installed.

If, for some reason, Age of Empires Mobile is not automatically installed inside Bluestacks or you have downloaded only Bluestacks, you will have to search for Age of Empires Mobile inside the Play Store. Simply enter Age of Empires Mobile in the Play Store and click Install.

If this is your first time playing the game, simply start playing, and do not forget to link the account to the mail. If you already have an account on mobile, you have to transfer data by simply logging in to a game with the email that you are using on a mobile device. Before you log in to Age of Empires Mobile PC, make sure that your account on your mobile device is linked to Mail.

How to play Age of Empires Mobile If It Is Not Available in Your Region

How to play Age of Empires Mobile If It Is Not Available in Your Region

Age of Empires Mobile is still in beta, so a lot of regions do not have access to it, but there is an easy way to bypass it and start playing.

  1. Download Bluestacks
  2. Download the latest version of Age of Empires Mobile APK (only download from trusted sites). 
  3. Download any VPN with French servers.
  4. Connect to VPN France (make sure that you do not close it at any time). 
  5. Drag and drop the latest APK. 
  6. Wait for the installation.
  7. Start playing, but do not turn off the VPN until you link your account.

Unfortunately, this is the only way to get access to Age of Empires Mobile if it is not available in your country. It will take you some time to download all the assets if you are connected to a slow VPN. Also, you will still not be able to download games from the Play Store, which means that when there is an update, you will have to do the same process again. Also, it will take some time for APK sites to update files to the latest version.

Can you play Age of Empires Mobile on PC?

Yes, you can play Age of Empires Mobile on a PC by downloading emulators like Bluestacks.

Is it safe to use the Bluestacks emulator on a PC?

Using the Bluestacks emulator is completely safe, and you will never get banned. Developers are also using it to test the game.

Can I transfer my Age of Empires Mobile progression from a mobile device to a PC?

Yes, you can transfer progression. Simply log in to your PC using the email that you are using for mobile devices. Just do not forget to link your progression before you log in to the PC version.

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