The Age of Empires Mobile Tier List shows you who the best and worst heroes are in the game. Age of Empires Mobile has a lot of different heroes that are unique with stats, roles, skills, talent trees, etc. The problem is that not all heroes are equally powerful. Some heroes will simply outperform other heroes, so it is not worth investing time and resources in them, especially if you are a free-to-play player.
That is why it is crucial to know from the beginning what the best and most powerful heroes are that you can get in Age of Empires Mobile. By investing in the best heroes from the start, you will be able to progress faster and dominate, even if you are a free-to-play player.
When choosing what heroes you will get and invest in, you should take a few factors into consideration, like your role in the alliance, whether you are free to play or pay to win, what heroes you already have, etc. If you, like most players, don’t care about factors, feel free to invest in heroes rated at tiers S and A. You can not go wrong with them. They are the best.
Tier System and grades
- Tier S+ – Very Overpowered
- Tier S – Overpowered
- Tier A – Balanced
- Tier B – Slightly Underpowered
- Tier C – Underpowered
- Tier D – The Worst
Age of Empires Mobile is a new game, which means that a lot of heroes will be optimized and changed with each update. Because of that, ratings, power, and meta will be continuously changed.
Age of Empires Mobile Tier List
Hero | Tier Rating | Specialty 1 | Specialty 2 | Specialty 3 | Unit Type |
Lu-Bu | S+ | Warrior | Attack | Critical Strike | Cavalry |
King Arthur | S+ | Warrior | Piercing | Active | Cavalry, Swordsmen |
Hua Mulan | S+ | Warrior | Attack | Secondary Strike | Archer |
Hannibal | S+ | Warrior | Attack | Secondary Strike | Cavalry |
Miyamoto Musashi | S+ | Warrior | Attack | Active | Swordsmen |
Attila The Hun | S+ | Warrior | Support | Double Attack | Archer Cavalry |
Sun Tzu | S | Tactician | Attack | Charging | Swordsmen |
Octavian | S | Marshal | Attack | Turn Base | Pikemen |
Suleiman | S | Tactician | Attack | Charging | Archer |
Queen Seondeok | S | Tactician | Support | Active | Archer |
Leonidas | S | Warrior | Attack | Counterattack | Pikemen |
Justinian the Great | S | Tactician | Recovery | Buff | Cavalry |
Tribhuwana | S | Warrior | Support | Active | Pikemen, Cavalry |
Boudica | S | Warrior | Attack | Counterattack | Pikemen |
Ram-Khamhaeng | S | Marshal | Buff | Turn Base | Pikemen |
Yodit | S | Warrior | Attack | Active | Swordsmen |
Cleopatra | A | Tactician | Support | Gather | Cavalry, Swordsmen |
Julius Caesar | A | Marshal | Attack | Turn Base | Pikemen, Swordsmen |
Richard | A | Warrior | Attack | Counterattack | Pikemen |
Constantine the Great | A | Warrior | Recovery | Buff | Swordsmen |
Rani Durgavati | A | Warrior | Support | Double Attack | Archer, Cavalry |
Theodora | A | Tactician | Support | Active | Archer, Swordsmen |
King Derrick | A | Warrior | Attack | Buff | Archer, Swordsmen |
Ashoka | A | Tactician | Support | Secondary Strike | Pikemen, Cavalry |
Josephine | A | Warrior | Attack | Recovery | Archer, Swordsmen |
Yi Seong Gye | A | Marshal | Attack | Active | Cavalry |
Sejong The Great | A | Marshal | Defense | Recovery | Cavalry |
Cid | B | Marshal | Attack | Secondary Strike | Cavalry |
Bushra | B | Marshal | Support | Gather | Pikemen, Cavalry |
Tariq | B | Marshal | Attack | Secondary Strike | Cavalry |
Frederick Barbarossa | B | Warrior | Defense | Recovery | Pikemen |
Philip IV | B | Tactician | Attack | Buff | Swordsmen |
Guan Yu | B | Warrior | Attack | Critical Strike | Cavalry |
Bellevue | B | Warrior | Attack | Double Attack | Archer |
Yi Sun-Shin | B | Tactician | Attack | Gather | Archer |
Oda Nobunaga | B | Marshal | Attack | Turn Base | Swordsmen |
Toyotomi Hideyoshi | B | Marshal | Attack | Active | Swordsmen |
Tokugawa Ieyasu | B | Marshal | Support | Recovery | Swordsmen |
Harald | C | Warrior | Support | Buff | Swordsmen, Cavalry |
Hammurabi | C | Warrior | Support | Buff | Swordsmen |
Joan Of Arc | C | Military | Attack | Counterattack | Pikemen |
Darius the Great | C | Warrior | Piercing | Gather | Pikemen, Cavalry |
Li Daoxuan | C | Marshal | Attack | Turn Base | Swordsmen |
Leo | C | Marshal | Recovery | Gather | Pikemen |
Leon | C | Marshal | Support | Gather | Archer |
Cui Ruyi | C | Warrior | Support | Secondary Strike | Archer |
Axel | C | Marshal | Attack | Secondary Strike | Cavalry |
Baldassi | C | Tactician | Attack | Gather | Swordsmen |
Wu Wei | C | Warrior | Attack | Counterattack | Pikemen |
Nino | C | Tactician | Attack | Gather | Swordsmen |
Gao Meng | C | Warrior | Support | Buff | Swordsmen |
Yuan Xia | C | Tactician | Buff | Gather | Archer |
Gatos | C | Tactician | Attack | Secondary Strike | Pikemen |
Narses | C | Warrior | Attack | Gather | Cavalry |
Luki | C | Military | Attack | Active | Archer |
Kaso | C | Warrior | Support | Gather | Cavalry |
Thanius | C | Marshal | Attack | Gather | Pikemen |
Diao Chan | C | Tactician | Support | Gathering | Cavalry, Archer |
Clyde | CC | Tactician | Attack | Secondary Strike | Cavalry |
About Age of Empires Mobile Tier List
We ensured equal testing of all heroes in optimal conditions during the creation of the Age of Empires mobile tier list to ensure the most accurate rating. There are some factors that we cannot control, but you will experience them in the game, such as chance, debuffs, buffs, and so on. These factors are part of the game, so they did not impact tier list ratings.
As with every tier list, it is debatable because each player has his own experience and opinion about heroes, whereas we do not have a magic formula or official data from developers. So if you do not agree with our tier list, it is completely fine. We’d love for you to share your opinion and ratings so we can discuss it.
The Age of Empires mobile tier list will 100% give you better knowledge about the worst and best heroes in the game, but we still recommend that you do your own hero testing. By testing heroes on your own, you will gain better knowledge about heroes and their talents, skills, synergy, teams, etc. All this is crucial if you want to be a top-tier player who will dominate. So go and spend some time testing. You will 100% improve as a player. When you find a hero that you want to use, make sure that you check out the Age of Empires Mobile Best Teams for that hero, and do not forget to redeem all Age of Empires Mobile codes.