Theodora Talent Tree Build, Skills and Guide Age of Empires Mobile

Theodora Talent Tree Build, Skills and Guide Age of Empires Mobile

Unit Type:
Archer, Swordsmen
Hero Rating:

4.5/5 - (31 votes)
Level: 1
Theodora Stats

Might Icon Might: 67.58 +0.65

Armor Icon Armor: 71.55 +0.70

Strategy Icon Strategy: 84.05 +0.84

Siege Icon Siege: 50.61 +0.46

Theodora is an legendary archer and swordsmen commander in Age of Empires Mobile, with specialties in Tactician, Support, and Active. Theodora active skill deals strategy damage to 2 enemy troops in the area of effect. And increases your troop’s strategy for 9s. Signature Skill: reduces your troop’s damage taken. Every time when your commander uses 3 signature active skills, the next signature active skill deals extra damage.

Theodora Talent Tree Build

Theodora Talent Tree Build

Best Theodora Skill Build

Theodora Swordsmen Build:

Skill 1: Taking the Purple Taking the Purple
Skill 2: Dynastic Co-Rule Dynastic Co-Rule
Skill 3: War Tactic
Skill 4: Conflagration Conflagration

Theodora Archer Build:

Skill 1: Taking the Purple Taking the Purple
Skill 2: Dynastic Co-Rule Dynastic Co-Rule
Skill 3: War Tactic
Skill 4: Conflagration Conflagration

Theodora Pairings

All Theodora Skills

Taking the Purple Taking the Purple

Commander skill
Deals strategy damage to 2 enemy troops in the area of effect (damage rate: 178.80%, strategy bonus). Meanwhile, increases all your heroes’ strategy by 29.80 for 9s. Grants 100 initial rage upon entering battle.

Dynastic Co-Rule Dynastic Co-Rule

Signature skill
Reduces your troop’s damage taken by 2.09% (strategy bonus). Every time when your commander uses 3 signature active skills, the next signature active skill deals 5.96% 6.32% extra damage (or 7.45% extra damage for charging skills).

Suppression Suppression

Deals strategy damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 40.14%, strategy bonus) and reduces the enemy commander’s might or strategy by 7.45 (strategy bonus) for 6s.

Maneuver Maneuver

When the commander activates the charging skill, there is a 16.72% chance to skip the charging state.

War Tactic

Deals strategy damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 56.56%, strategy bonus) and recovers your troop’s units (recovery rate: 31.31%, War Tactic strategy bonus).

Conflagration Conflagration

Deals strategy damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 59.60%, strategy bonus) and inflicts the burn effect, dealing strategy damage every second (damage rate: 6.06%, strategy bonus) for 6s.

Ultimate Strategy Ultimate Strategy

Deals 1 instance of strategy damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 70.70%, strategy bonus).

Immortal Army Immortal Army

Recovers your troop’s units (recovery rate: 66.66%, strategy bonus) and has a/an 29.80% chance to purify all your heroes’ attribute debuffs (only those debuffs obtained in battle).

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