On this page, you will find all the Age of Empires Mobile Heroes that are available in the game. There are two different rarities of heroes: legendary and epic. Each one of the heroes has a unique talent tree, skills, roles, power, etc. On the Age of Empires Mobile Tier List, you can see how strong each hero is.
Tip for mobile users: Flip your phone sideways for a better view of the heroes list table.
Hero | Rarity | Specialty 1 | Specialty 2 | Specialty 3 | Unit Type |
Mansa Musa | Legendary | Warrior | Support | Buff | Pikemen |
Saladin | Legendary | Marshal | Support | Rage Recovery | Archer, Cavalry |
Charlemagne | Legendary | Tactician | Support | Active | Archer, Swordsmen |
Ramesses | Legendary | Tactician | Attack | Active | Swordsmen, Archer |
Mehmed | Legendary | Warrior | Support | Buff | Archer, Swordsmen |
Yodit | Legendary | Warrior | Attack | Active | Swordsmaster |
Ram Khamhaeng | Legendary | Marshal | Buff | Turn Base | Pikemen |
Lu Bu | Legendary | Warrior | Attack | Critical Strike | Cavalry |
Boudica | Legendary | Warrior | Attack | Counterattack | Pikemen |
Bellevue | Legendary | Warrior | Attack | Double Attack | Archer |
Tokugawa Ieyasu | Legendary | Marshal | Support | Recovery | Swordsmaster |
Diao Chan | Legendary | Tactician | Support | Gathering | Cavalry, Archer |
Toyotomi Hideyoshi | Legendary | Marshal | Attack | Active | Swordsmaster |
Sejong The Great | Legendary | Marshal | Defense | Recovery | Cavalry |
Oda Nobunaga | Legendary | Marshal | Attack | Turn Base | Swordsmen |
Julius Caesar | Legendary | Marshal | Attack | Turn Base | Pikemen, Swordsmen |
King Arthur | Mythical | Warrior | Piercing | Active | Cavalry, Swordsmen |
Cleopatra | Legendary | Tactician | Support | Gather | Cavalry, Swordsmen |
Cid | Legendary | Marshal | Attack | Secondary Strike | Cavalry |
Sun Tzu | Legendary | Tactician | Attack | Charging | Swordsmen |
Octavian | Legendary | Marshal | Attack | Turn Base | Pikemen |
Hua Mulan | Legendary | Warrior | Attack | Secondary Strike | Archer |
Suleiman | Legendary | Tactician | Attack | Charging | Archer |
Yi Sun-Shin | Legendary | Tactician | Attack | Gather | Archer |
Bushra | Legendary | Marshal | Support | Gather | Pikemen, Cavalry |
Queen Seondeok | Legendary | Tactician | Support | Active | Archer |
Leonidas | Legendary | Warrior | Attack | Counterattack | Pikemen |
Richard | Legendary | Warrior | Attack | Counterattack | Pikemen |
Constantine the Great | Legendary | Warrior | Recovery | Buff | Swordsmen |
Hannibal | Legendary | Warrior | Attack | Secondary Strike | Cavalry |
Tariq | Legendary | Marshal | Attack | Secondary Strike | Cavalry |
Miyamoto Musashi | Legendary | Warrior | Attack | Active | Swordsmen |
Frederick Barbarossa | Legendary | Warrior | Defense | Recovery | Pikemen |
Philip IV | Legendary | Tactician | Attack | Buff | Swordsmen |
Rani Durgavati | Legendary | Warrior | Support | Double Attack | Archer, Cavalry |
Theodora | Legendary | Tactician | Support | Active | Archer, Swordsmen |
Justinian the Great | Legendary | Tactician | Recovery | Buff | Cavalry |
King Derrick | Legendary | Warrior | Attack | Buff | Archer, Swordsmen |
Ashoka | Legendary | Tactician | Support | Secondary Strike | Pikemen, Cavalry |
Attila The Hun | Legendary | Warrior | Support | Double Attack | Archer Cavalry |
Harald | Legendary | Warrior | Support | Buff | Swordsmen, Cavalry |
Guan Yu | Legendary | Warrior | Attack | Critical Strike | Cavalry |
Hammurabi | Legendary | Warrior | Support | Buff | Swordsmen |
Joan Of Arc | Legendary | Military | Attack | Counterattack | Pikemen |
Josephine | Legendary | Warrior | Attack | Recovery | Archer, Swordsmen |
Darius the Great | Legendary | Warrior | Piercing | Gather | Pikemen, Cavalry |
Li Daoxuan | Legendary | Marshal | Attack | Turn Base | Swordsmen |
Leo | Epic | Marshal | Recovery | Gather | Pikemen |
Leon | Epic | Marshal | Support | Gather | Archer |
Axel | Epic | Marshal | Attack | Secondary Strike | Cavalry |
Baldassi | Epic | Tactician | Attack | Gather | Swordsmen |
Wu Wei | Epic | Warrior | Attack | Counterattack | Pikemen |
Nino | Epic | Tactician | Attack | Gather | Swordsmen |
Clyde | Epic | Tactician | Attack | Secondary Strike | Cavalry |
Cui Ruyi | Epic | Warrior | Support | Secondary Strike | Archer |
Gao Meng | Epic | Warrior | Support | Buff | Swordsmen |
Yuan Xia | Epic | Tactician | Buff | Gather | Archer |
Gatos | Epic | Tactician | Attack | Secondary Strike | Pikemen |
Narses | Epic | Warrior | Attack | Gather | Cavalry |
Luki | Epic | Military | Attack | Active | Archer |
Kaso | Epic | Warrior | Support | Gather | Cavalry |
Thanius | Epic | Marshal | Attack | Gather | Pikemen |
Tribhuwana | Legendary | Warrior | Support | Active | Pikemen, Cavalry |
Yi Seong Gye | Legendary | Marshal | Attack | Active | Cavalry |