Yi Sun-Shin Talent Tree Build, Skills and Guide Age of Empires Mobile

Yi Sun-Shin Talent Tree Build, Skills and Guide Age of Empires Mobile

Unit Type:
Hero Rating:

4.5/5 - (35 votes)
Level: 1
Yi Sun-Shin Stats

Might Icon Might: 48.87 +0.58

Armor Icon Armor: 51.52 +0.52

Strategy Icon Strategy: 80.45 +0.82

Siege Icon Siege: 43.56 +0.54

Yi Sun-Shin is an legendary archer commander in Age of Empires Mobile, with specialties in Tactician, Attack, and Gather. Yi Sun-Shin active skill deals strategy damage to 5 enemy troops in a fan area in front. Reduces your troop’s might damage taken for 9s. Signature Skill: enters charging state. After 3s, deals strategy damage to the enemy troop and increases the damage of the next signature active skill used by your hero with the highest strategy.

Yi Sun-Shin Talent Tree Build

Yi Sun-Shin Talent Tree

Best Yi Sun-Shin Skill Build

Yi Sun-Shin Archer Build:

Skill 1: Crashing Waves Crashing Waves
Skill 2: Tidal Flood Tidal Flood
Skill 3: Conflagration Conflagration
Skill 4: War Tactic

Yi Sun-Shin Pairings

All Yi Sun-Shin Skills

Crashing Waves Crashing Waves

Commander skill
Deals strategy damage to up to 5 enemy troops in the fan area in front (damage rate: 113.24%, strategy bonus). Reduces your troop’s might damage taken by 4.47% (strategy bonus) for 9s.

Tidal Flood Tidal Flood

Signature skill
Enters charging state. After 3s, deals strategy damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 68.54%, strategy bonus) and increases the damage of the next signature active skill activated by your hero with the highest strategy by 7.45 (strategy bonus).

Efficient Harvest Efficient Harvest

Increases the gathering speed for all resources by 14.35%.

Blaze Impact Blaze Impact

Deals strategy damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 49.17%, strategy bonus) and inflicts the burn effect, dealing strategy damage each second (damage rate: 8.92%,strategy bonus) for 3s.

Organized Retreat Organized Retreat

Increases the gathering speed for all resources by 15.38%. If a battle breaks out when gathering, converts 5.13% lost units into lightly wounded at the end of the battle and increases retreat speed by 25.63%.

Conflagration Conflagration

Deals strategy damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 59.60%, strategy bonus) and inflicts the burn effect, dealing strategy damage every second (damage rate: 6.06%, strategy bonus) for 6s.

War Tactic

Deals strategy damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 56.56%, strategy bonus) and recovers your troop’s units (recovery rate: 31.31%, War Tactic strategy bonus).

Strategy Master's Gift Strategy Master’s Gift

Increases the hero’s strategy damage by 8.94% and the activation chance of signature active skills by 3.03%.

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