Leonidas Talent Tree Build, Skills and Guide Age of Empires Mobile

Leonidas Talent Tree Build, Skills and Guide Age of Empires Mobile

Unit Type:
Hero Rating:

4.4/5 - (56 votes)
Level: 1
Leonidas Stats

Might Icon Might: 101.10 +0.90

Armor Icon Armor: 80.73 +0.73

Strategy Icon Strategy: 61.58 +0.54

Siege Icon Siege: 80.22 +0.74

Leonidas is an legendary pikemen commander in Age of Empires Mobile, with specialties in Warrior, Attack, and Counterattack. Leonidas active skill deals might damage to 3 enemy troops in a fan area. Increases damage as you lose more units. Signature Skill: when hit by a normal attack, there’s a 20% chance to counterattack and deal might damage to the attacker. The hero deals more damage as the troops lose more units. Increases your troops’ damage against world monsters.

Leonidas Talent Tree Build

Leonidas Talent Tree

Best Leonidas Skill Build

Leonidas Pikemen Build:

Skill 1: Firm Strike Firm Strike
Skill 2: Unyielding Soul Unyielding Soul
Skill 3: Fearless Retribution Fearless Retribution
Skill 4: Whirlwind Sweep Whirlwind Sweep

Leonidas Pairings

All Leonidas Skills

Firm Strike Firm Strike

Commander skill
Deals might damage to the 3 enemy troops in a fan area in front (damage rate: 116.22%, might bonus). Every time your troop loses 1% units, increases the damage by 2% (up to 100%).

Unyielding Soul Unyielding Soul

Signature skill
When hit by a normal attack, there is a 20% chance to counterattack and deal might damage to the attacker. The hero deals more damage as the troops lose more units. Increases your troops’ damage against world monsters.

Counterattack Counterattack

When hit by a normal attack, there is a 15% chance to immediately counterattack, dealing might damage to the attacker (damage rate: 26.76%, might bonus, deals counterattack damage up to once per second).

Vigilance Vigilance

When hit by a normal attack, there is a 15% chance to immediately counterattack (only once per second), dealing might damage to the attacker (damage rate: 18.95%, might bonus). Meanwhile, there is a 50% chance to inflict the rout effect, dealing might damage every second (damage rate: 7.45%, might bonus) for 3s.

Tenacity Tenacity

Recovers your troop’s units every 9s (recovery rate: 65.65%, armor bonus).

Fearless Retribution Fearless Retribution

When hit by a normal attack, there is a 20% chance to immediately counterattack dealing might damage to the attacker once per second (damage 24.24%, might bonus). Meanwhile, recovers rate: your troop’s units (recovery rate: 7.45%, might bonus, triggers every 6s).

King's Blade King’s Blade

Deals might damage to the enemy troop every 9s (damage rate: 59.60%, might bonus), with a 46% chance to increase all your heroes’ damage by 6.06% for 3s.

Whirlwind Sweep Whirlwind Sweep

Increases the hero’s might damage by 3.94% once every 6s. Up to 5 stacks.

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