Unit Type:
Hero Rating:
Might: 80.80 +0.78
Armor: 60.60 +0.58
Strategy: 43.63 +0.42
Siege: 69.30 +0.67
Joan Of Arc is an legendary pikemen commander in Age of Empires Mobile, with specialties in Military, Attack, and Counterattack. Joan Of Arc active skill deals might damage to 2 enemy troops in a fan area in front. Signature Skill: when hit by a normal attack, there is a 20% chance to counterattack, dealing might damage to the attacker.
Joan Of Arc Talent Tree Build
Best Joan Of Arc Skill Build
Pikemen Counterattack Build:
Skill 1: Will of Steel
Skill 2: Victory Banner
Skill 3: King’s Blade
Skill 4: Fearless Retribution
Joan Of Arc Pairings
All Joan Of Arc Skills
Will of Steel
Commander skill
Deals might damage to 2 enemy troops in the fan area in front (damage rate: 119.20%, might bonus). Grants 150 initial rage upon entering battle.
Victory Banner
Signature skill
When hit by a normal attack, there is a 20% chance to immediately counterattack and deal might damage once to the attacker (damage rate: 32.78%, might bonus, deals counterattack damage up to once per second).
When hit by a normal attack, there is a 15% chance to immediately counterattack (only once per second), dealing might damage to the attacker (damage rate: 18.95%, might bonus). Meanwhile, there is a 50% chance to inflict the rout effect, dealing might damage every second (damage rate: 7.45%, might bonus) for 3s.
After every 12 normal attacks taken by your troop (counts up to 2 normal attacks per second), recovers your troop’s units (recovery rate: 37.91%, might bonus, armor bonus).
Recovers your troop’s units every 9s (recovery rate: 65.65%, armor bonus).
Righteous Judgement
Enters charging state. After 3s, deals might damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 79.79%, might bonus) and reduces all enemy heroes’ might and strategy by 17.88 (might bonus) for 3s.
King’s Blade
Deals might damage to the enemy troop every 9s (damage rate: 59.60%, might bonus), with a 46% chance to increase all your heroes’ damage by 6.06% for 3s.
Fearless Retribution
When hit by a normal attack, there is a 20% chance to immediately counterattack dealing might damage to the attacker once per second (damage 24.24%, might bonus). Meanwhile, recovers rate: your troop’s units (recovery rate: 7.45%, might bonus, triggers every 6s).