Hammurabi Talent Tree Build, Skills and Guide Age of Empires Mobile

Hammurabi Talent Tree Build, Skills and Guide Age of Empires Mobile

Unit Type:
Hero Rating:

4.5/5 - (31 votes)
Level: 1
Hammurabi Stats

Might Icon Might: 82.62 +0.84

Armor Icon Armor: 53.71 +0.55

Strategy Icon Strategy: 37.18 +0.38

Siege Icon Siege: 97.80 +1.00

Hammurabi is an legendary swordsmen commander in Age of Empires Mobile, with specialties in Warrior, Support, and Buff. Hammurabi active skill Deals might damage to 2 enemy troops in a fan area in front. Deals extra damage to enemy troops in the rout state. Signature Skill: inflicts the rout state on the target, causing them to take might damage each second for 6s and increasing your commander’s might damage for 6s.

Hammurabi Talent Tree Build

Hammurabi Talent Tree

Best Hammurabi Skill Build

Hammurabi Swordsmen Build:

Skill 1: Sage King Sage King
Skill 2: Authoritative Code Authoritative Code
Skill 3: High Spirit High Spirit
Skill 4: Earth Crush Earth Crush

Hammurabi Siege Build:

Skill 1: Sage King Sage King
Skill 2: Authoritative Code Authoritative Code
Skill 3: Siege and Plunder Siege and Plunder
Skill 4: Earth Crush Earth Crush

Hammurabi Pairings

All Hammurabi Skills

Sage King Sage King

Commander skill
Deals might damage to 2 enemy troops in the fan area in front (damage rate: 116.22%, might bonus). Deals extra damage to the enemy troop in the rout state (damage rate: 56.62%, might bonus).

Authoritative Code Authoritative Code

Signature skill
Inflicts the rout effect on the target, causing them to take might damage each second (damage rate: 7.45%, might bonus) for 6s. Meanwhile, increasing your commander’s might damage by 5.96% (might bonus) for 6s.

Sunder Sunder

After launching a normal attack, deals might damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 53.64%, might bonus) and inflicts the rout effect, dealing might damage every second (damage rate: 7.81%, might bonus) for 3s.

Crashing Boulder Crashing Boulder

Deals might damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 45.72%, might bonus).

Siege and Plunder Siege and Plunder

(Can be activated during sieges) Deals 174.25 damage to city defense and increases the hero’s siege by 10.25. Up to 5 stacks.

Earth Crush Earth Crush

Deals might damage to the enemy troop (damage 59.60%, might bonus) and inflicts the rout rate: effect, dealing might damage every second (damage rate: 6.06%, might bonus) for 6s.

Bloodthirst Bloodthirst

Deals might damage to the enemy troop (damage 60.60%, might bonus) and recovers your rate: troop’s units (recovery rate: 27.27%, might bonus).

High Spirit High Spirit

Increases the activation chance of the hero’s active skills by 3.64% (increases by 4.55% for charging skills).

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