Ashoka Talent Tree Build, Skills and Guide Age of Empires Mobile

Ashoka Talent Tree Build, Skills and Guide Age of Empires Mobile

Secondary Strike
Unit Type:
Pikemen, Cavalry
Hero Rating:

4.9/5 - (22 votes)
Level: 1
Ashoka Stats

Might Icon Might: 92.28 +1.04

Armor Icon Armor: 61.87 +0.69

Strategy Icon Strategy: 88.17 +0.99

Siege Icon Siege: 49.78 +1.12

Ashoka is an legendary pikemen and Cavalry commander in Age of Empires Mobile, with specialties in Tactician, Support, and Secondary Strike. Ashoka active skill Deals might and strategy damage to 2 enemy troops in a fan area in front. And increases all your heroes’ secondary strike skill damage for 6s. Signature Skill: increases your commander’s signature secondary strike skill activation chance. If the commander activates a secondary strike skill, there is a chance for your troop to enter the control immunity state for 3s.

Ashoka Talent Tree Build

Ashoka Talent Tree Build is Coming Soon.

Best Ashoka Skill Build

Ashoka Cavalry Build:

Skill 1: Steel Rose Steel Rose
Skill 2: Warcry Warcry
Skill 3: Act of Mercy Act of Mercy
Skill 4: Weak Spot Attack Weak Spot Attack

Ashoka Pairings

All Ashoka Skills

Lord of Darkens Lord of Darkens

Commander skill
(Commander skill) Deals might damage (damage rate: 84.93%, might bonus) and strategy damage (damage rate: 84.93% o, strategy bonus) to 2 enemy troops in the fan area in front. Also, increases the damage of all your heroes’ secondary strike skills by 2.98% (might bonus, strategy bonus) for 6s.

Mauryan Glory Mauryan Glory

Signature skill
(Signature skill) Increases your commander’s signature secondary strike skill activation chance by 1.04% (might bonus, strategy bonus). If the commander activates a secondary strike skill, there is a/an 14.90% chance to enter the control immunity state for 3s, immune to all control and some continuous damage effects.

Sunder Sunder

After launching a normal attack, deals might damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 53.64%, might bonus) and inflicts the rout effect, dealing might damage every second (damage rate: 7.81%, might bonus) for 3s.

Infuriation Infuriation

After launching a normal attack, deals might damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 55.75%, might bonus) and increases the hero’s might by 14.90 for 3s.

Tactical Pursuit Tactical Pursuit

After launching a normal attack, deals might damage (damage rate: 36.36%, might bonus) and strategy damage (damage rate: 36.36%, strategy bonus) to the enemy troop.

Roar of Victory Roar of Victory

After launching a normal attack, deals might damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 107.28%, might bonus) and increases your troop’s rage by 7.17.

Act of Mercy Act of Mercy

After launching a normal attack, deals might damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 47.47%, might bonus). Increases your damage by 2.00% (up to 100%) every time when the target loses 1% of its units.

Weak Spot Attack Weak Spot Attack

After launching a normal attack, deals might damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 74.74%, might bonus) and increases the hero’s damage by 6.06% (might bonus) for 3s.

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