Attila The Hun Talent Tree Build, Skills and Guide Age of Empires Mobile

Attila The Hun Talent Tree Build, Skills and Guide Age of Empires Mobile

Double Attack
Unit Type:
Archer, Cavalry
Hero Rating:

4.3/5 - (90 votes)
Level: 1
Attila The Hun Stats

Might Icon Might: 92.85 +0.94

Armor Icon Armor: 80.43 +0.82

Strategy Icon Strategy: 74.64 +0.76

Siege Icon Siege: 25.20 +0.25

Attila The Hun is an legendary archer and cavalry commander in Age of Empires Mobile, with specialties in Warrior, Support, and Double Attack. Attila The Hun active skill All your heroes enter the double attack state. Increases your troop’s movement speed for 9s. Signature Skill: There is a chance for all your heroes to enter the double attack state for 3s.

Attila The Hun Talent Tree Build

Attila The Hun Talent Tree Build is Coming Soon.

Best Attila The Hun Skill Build

Attila The Hun Cavalry/Archer Build:

Skill 1: Nomadic Strength Nomadic Strength
Skill 2: Annihilator Annihilator
Skill 3: Weak Spot Attack Weak Spot Attack
Skill 4: Act of Mercy Act of Mercy

Attila The Hun Attack Build:

Skill 1: Nomadic Strength Nomadic Strength
Skill 2: Annihilator Annihilator
Skill 3: Weak Spot Attack Weak Spot Attack
Skill 4: Critical Insight Critical Insight

Attila The Hun Pairings

All Attila The Hun Skills

Nomadic Strength Nomadic Strength

Commander skill
All your heroes enter the double attack state. And increases your troop’s movement speed by 8.94% for 9s. Grants 200 initial rage upon entering battle.

Annihilator Annihilator

Signature skill
There is a/an 8.34% chance for all your heroes to enter the double attack state for 3s.

Armor Piercer Armor Piercer

After launching a normal attack, deals might damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 55.75%, might bonus) and reduces all enemy heroes’ armor by 14.90 for 3s.

Infuriation Infuriation

After launching a normal attack, deals might damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 55.75%, might bonus) and increases the hero’s might by 14.90 for 3s.

Act of Mercy Act of Mercy

After launching a normal attack, deals might damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 47.47%, might bonus). Increases your damage by 2.00% (up to 100%) every time when the target loses 1% of its units.

Weak Spot Attack Weak Spot Attack

After launching a normal attack, deals might damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 74.74%, might bonus) and increases the hero’s damage by 6.06% (might bonus) for 3s.

Warrior's Hymn Warrior’s Hymn

Increases the next hero’s might by 25.25 (might bonus) and critical strike rate by 4.04% for 3s.

Critical Insight Critical Insight

Increase all your heroes’ critical strike rates by 5.13%. After dealing a critical strike, reduces all enemy heroes’ armor by 7.69 for up to 3 stacks.

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