Unit Type:
Hero Rating:
Might: 82.41 +0.77
Armor: 55.98 +0.54
Strategy: 63.08 +0.60
Siege: 74.42 +0.76
Toyotomi Hideyoshi is an legendary Swordsmaster commander in Age of Empires Mobile, with specialties in Marshal, Attack, and Active. Toyotomi Hideyoshi deals might damage to 2 enemy troops in a fan-shaped area. And reduces the might of the enemy hero with the highest might and the strategy of the enemy hero with the highest strategy for 6s. Signature Skill: deals might damage to the target and increases the next signature skill damage dealt by your hero with the highest might.
Toyotomi Hideyoshi Talent Tree Build
Best Toyotomi Hideyoshi Skill Build
Toyotomi Hideyoshi Swordsmen Build:
Skill 1: Ape Rage
Skill 2: Gnawing Strike
Skill 3: Furious Charge
Skill 4: High Spirit
Toyotomi Hideyoshi Pairings
All Toyotomi Hideyoshi Skills
Ape Rage
Commander skill
Deals might damage to up to 2 enemy troops in a fan-shaped area (damage rate: 120.69% , might bonus). At the same time, reduces the might of the enemy hero with the highest might by 17.88 (might bonus) and the strategy of the enemy hero with the highest strategy by 17.88 (might bonus) for 6s.
Gnawing Strike
Signature skill
Deals 1 instance of might damage to the target (damage rate: 80.46%, might bonus) and increases the next Signature skill damage dealt by your hero with the highest might by 5.96% (might bonus, except passive skills).
Shield Slam
Deals might damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 47.94%, might bonus, armor bonus).
Crashing Boulder
Deals might damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 45.72%, might bonus).
Peerless Strike
Deals high might damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 70.70%, might bonus).
Deals might damage to the enemy troop (damage 60.60%, might bonus) and recovers your rate: troop’s units (recovery rate: 27.27%, might bonus).
High Spirit
Increases the activation chance of the hero’s active skills by 3.64% (increases by 4.55% for charging skills).
Furious Charge
Every time the hero activates their signature skill (except for passive skills), increases the hero’s might damage by 3.94%. Up to 5 stacks.