Sejong The Great Talent Tree Build, Skills and Guide Age of Empires Mobile

Sejong The Great Talent Tree Build, Skills and Guide

Unit Type:
Hero Rating:

4.3/5 - (38 votes)
Level: 1
Sejong The Great Stats

Might Icon Might: 60.93 +0.63

Armor Icon Armor: 72.45 +0.72

Strategy Icon Strategy: 63.31 +0.60

Siege Icon Siege: 50.48 +0.43

Sejong The Great is an legendary Cavalry commander in Age of Empires Mobile, with specialties in Marshal, Defense, and Recovery. Sejong The Great deals might damage to up to 2 enemy troops in a fan-shaped area and reduces their skill damage for 6s. Signature Skill: there is a chance to enter the quick wit state each turn for 3s.

Sejong The Great Talent Tree Build

Sejong The Great Talent Tree

Best Sejong The Great Skill Build

Sejong The Great Cavalry Build:

Skill 1: True Words True Words
Skill 2: King's Mercy King’s Mercy
Skill 3: Tenacity Tenacity
Skill 4: Peaceful Haven Peaceful Haven

Sejong The Great Pairings

All Sejong The Great Skills

True Words True Words

Commander skill
Reduces the nearby allied troops’ damage taken (additionally reduces strategy damage taken) for 6s.

King's Mercy King’s Mercy

Signature skill
Reduces the hero’s damage dealt and your troop’s damage taken. There is a chance to recover your units when your troop is taking skill damage.

Fortification Fortification

Deals might damage to the enemy troop (damage rate:45.72%, might bonus).

Prayer For Harvest Prayer For Harvest

Recovers your troop’s units (recovery rate: 43.49%, strategy bonus).

Protracted Battle Protracted Battle

Recovers your troop’s units (recovery rate: 43.49%, strategy bonus).

Tenacity Tenacity

Recovers your troop’s units every 9s (recovery rate: 65.65%, armor bonus).

Peaceful Haven Peaceful Haven

After the hero recovers units, reduces your troop’s damage taken by 4.04% for 3s.

Entrenchment Entrenchment

Your troop enters the steadfast state. Recovers your units once per second (recovery rate: 16.16%. armor bonus) and reduces your troop’s damage taken by 1.41% (armor bonus), for 3s.

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