War Hall in the Age of Empires Mobile is a building that is responsible for the number of troops that a rally can have and the amount of loot that can be taken when a rally is successful. It is important to have War Hall at the maximum level if you are a player who will create a rally for your alliance. The more troops rally, the more damage they will deal. To upgrade War Hall, you will need a special item called Grand Blueprint, which is not that easy to get.
How to get Grand Blueprint for War Hall
Unfortunately, there are not a lot of ways to obtain Grand Blueprint as a free-to-play player. Eventually, with time, you will be able to collect all the Grand Blueprints to reach the maximum level of War Hall.
Ways to get Grand Blueprint for War Hall are:
Wandering Merchant: You can purchase Grand Blueprint from Wandering Merchant when it appears in your city. We recommend that you purchase all the Grand Blueprints that you see in the Wandering Merchant shop.
Events: There are a lot of events in Age of Empires Mobile, and each one of them will give you rewards. Grand Blueprint can be part of rewards, like in an event called Epic Advent. To see what reward you can get and what events are active, simply go to the calendar in the top right part of your screen. We recommend that you do every single possible event so you can progress faster.
War Hall Upgrade Requirements
Level | Resources | Time | Grand Blueprint |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2 | 1k Wood 1k Food | 0 | 0 |
3 | 4.7k Wood 4.7k Food | 0 | 2 |
4 | 9.3k Wood 4.7K Food | 0 | 3 |
5 | 19k Wood 9.3K Food | 8 Min | 4 |
6 | 22k Wood 11K Food 22K Stone | 16 Min | 6 |
7 | 40k Wood 20K Food 40K Stone | 29 Min | 10 |
8 | 72k Wood 36K Food 72K Stone | 49 Min | 15 |
9 | 120k Wood 62K Food 120K Stone | 1H 18 Min | 20 |
10 | 200k Wood 100K Food 200K Stone | 2H 37 Min | 25 |
11 | 230k Wood 120K Food 230K Stone 230K Gold | 3H 55 Min | 30 |
12 | 350k Wood 170K Food 350K Stone 350K Gold | 5H 53 Min | 40 |
13 | 500k Wood 250K Food 500K Stone 500K Gold | 7H 51 Min | 50 |
14 | 690k Wood 340K Food 690K Stone 690K Gold | 10H 28 Min | 60 |
15 | 1.1M Wood 570K Food 1.1M Stone 1.1M Gold | 16H 0Min | 70 |
16 | 1.5M Wood 730K Food 1.5M Stone 1.5M Gold | 20H 48Min | 80 |
17 | 1.95M Wood 975K Food 1.95M Stone 1.95M Gold | 1D 3H 13Min | 90 |
18 | 2.5M Wood 1.25M Food 2.5M Stone 2.5M Gold | 1D 11H 23Min | 100 |
19 | 3.25M Wood 1.625M Food 3.25M Stone 3.25M Gold | 1D 22H 0Min | 110 |
20 | 4.9M Wood 2.5M Food 4.9M Stone 4.9M Gold | 2D 21H 0Min | 120 |
21 | 6.4M Wood 3.2M Food 6.4M Stone 6.4M Gold | 3D 17H 42Min | 130 |
22 | 8.3M Wood 4.15M Food 8.3M Stone 8.3M Gold | 4D 11H 17Min | 140 |
23 | 10.8M Wood 5.4M Food 10.8M Stone 10.8M Gold | 6D 11H 36Min | 150 |
24 | 14M Wood 14M Food 7M Stone 14M Gold | 8D 1H 4Min | 160 |
25 | 16.8M Wood 16.8M Food 8.4M Stone 16.8M Gold | 10D 1H 40Min | 170 |
26 | 21M Wood 21M Food 10.5M Stone 21M Gold | 12D 1H 55Min | 180 |
27 | 26M Wood 26M Food 13M Stone 26M Gold | 16D 0H 10Min | 190 |
28 | 32.5M Wood 32.5M Food 16.2M Stone 32.5M Gold | 20D 1H 2Min | 200 |
29 | 40.5M Wood 40.5M Food 20M Stone 40.5M Gold | 25D 18H 35Min | 210 |
30 | 48.6M Wood 48.6M Food 24.3M Stone 48.6M Gold | 31D 14H 23Min | 220 |
War Hall Details
Level | Power | Looting Limit | Rally Capacity |
1 | 7 | 100K | 20K |
2 | 24 | 140K | 40K |
3 | 49 | 200K | 60K |
4 | 105 | 280K | 80K |
5 | 213 | 450K | 100K |
6 | 414 | 640K | 140K |
7 | 773 | 850K | 180K |
8 | 1,392 | 1.08M | 220K |
9 | 2,414 | 1.33M | 260K |
10 | 4,027 | 1.82M | 300K |
11 | 6,464 | 2.33M | 360K |
12 | 9,972 | 2.86M | 420K |
13 | 14,779 | 3.41M | 480K |
14 | 21,027 | 3.98M | 540K |
15 | 29,026 | 4.64M | 600K |
16 | 39,263 | 5.32M | 660K |
17 | 52,368 | 6.02M | 720K |
18 | 69,141 | 6.74M | 780K |
19 | 90,611 | 7.48M | 840K |
20 | 118,093 | 8.46M | 900K |
21 | 153,270 | 9.46M | 980K |
22 | 198,296 | 10.4M | 1.06M |
23 | 255,929 | 11.5M | 1.14M |
24 | 329,700 | 12.5M | 1.22M |
25 | 424,126 | 13.7M | 1.3M |
26 | 544,992 | 14.9M | 1.4M |
27 | 699,700 | 16M | 1.52M |
28 | 897,727 | 17.3M | 1.66M |
29 | 1,151,201 | 18.5M | 1.82M |
30 | 1,475,648 | 20M | 2M |