Age of Empires Mobile is a popular game created for mobile devices. Some people play it on PC using emulators like Bluestacks, while Mac users couldn’t play it. But this is not the case anymore. Bluestacks has released an emulator for Mac users so they can play any mobile game on Mac, including Age of Empires Mobile.
The reason we recommend that you download and play Age of Empires Mobile on Mac is better performance, no lag, higher FPS, better graphics, and most importantly, you can control troops more easily in big fights.
To play Age of Empires Mobile on Mac, you have to download a Bluestacks emulator called Bluestacks Air. Currently, there are a limited number of emulators for Mac users, and most of them do not perform as well as Bluestacks Air.
Download Age of Empires Mobile on a Mac
You can download Bluestacks Air by searching for it online, or you can click the button below. When you click the button, you will be taken to the official Bluestacks page, where you will have the option to download Bluestacks Air. After downloading, you will have to install it. The process is the same as installing any other application. Once you have installed Bluestacks Air, you need to download and install Age of Empires Mobile inside the app.
Installing Age of Empires Mobile on Mac
When you are done installing Bluestacks Air, launch it. Once inside the app, search for Age of Empires Mobile in the Play Store. When you find it, simply click the install button. That is all you have to do to play Age of Empires Mobile on Mac.
If this is your first time installing and playing Age of Empires Mobile on Mac, you have to do a few things to ensure the transfer of data. First, go to the Age of Empires Mobile phone version and make sure your account is linked with your email or social media accounts. This is needed to transfer data and will also ensure that you do not lose your progress. Once your account is linked, all you have to do is log in to Bluestacks Air with that information.
About Bluestacks Air – Is it Safe to Use?
Bluestacks is an emulator that is completely safe to use on your Mac. Developers and millions of players use it daily to play various games, including Age of Empires Mobile. If you are unsure, simply download it and create a new email to test things out. I have been using it for the last seven years and do not know a single player who got banned for playing on it. Developers themselves use it, and they promote their games via Bluestacks.
What is great about Bluestacks is that you can run multiple accounts at the same time, which is a huge time saver. The number of accounts you can play depends on your Mac’s hardware. There are a lot of features that Bluestacks offers, so make sure to check them out. If you are stuck or have problems with Bluestacks Air, visit the official Bluestacks site. There, you will find many guides on fixing various problems and errors.