On this page, you will find all the Age of Empires mobile gems that you can enchant in Gear. There are three different types of gems: strategy, hero, and tactic. Each gem comes in different rarities. Higher the rarity of gems, the more stats they will give. For each piece of Gear, you can enchant three gems. Keep in mind that you can enchant the same type of gem. If you are not sure what gem to enchant on Gear, then gems with stats and unit capacity are best.
Age of Empires Mobile Gems
Gem | Type |
All unit types’ attack up | Strategy |
All unit types’ defense up | Strategy |
All unit types’ health up | Strategy |
Hero’s unit capacity up | Strategy |
Troop’s gathering speed up | Strategy |
Hero’s might up | Hero |
Hero’s strategy up | Hero |
Hero’s armor up | Hero |
Hero’s siege up | Hero |
Hero’s all attributes up | Hero |
Hero’s passive skill damage up | Tactic |
Hero’s secondary strike skill damage up | Tactic |
Hero’s active skill damage up | Tactic |
Hero’s turn-based skill damage up | Tactic |
Hero’s healing effect up | Tactic |
Troop’s normal attack damage up | Tactic |