Age of Empires Mobile Gear List

Age of Empires Mobile Equipment List

On this page, you will find all the Gear available in Age of Empires Mobile. Gear comes in three different rarities: rare, epic, and legendary. The higher the rarity, the better the stats it provides. Each piece of Gear can be leveled, upgraded, and enchanted, offering bonuses to specific unit types. If your hero is a pikeman, equip them with pikeman gear; the same applies for archers, cavalry, and swordsmen.

GearBonusesUnit TypeSlotRarity
Blazing Heart
Blazing Heart
Swordsmen's Defense bonus up: 2.2%
Swordsmen's health bonus up: 3%
Unit capacity up: 1800
Damage taken from unit type (counters you) down: 4.5%
Swordsmen's damage taken down: 2.4%
Power of Abyss
Power of Abyss
Pikemen's Defense bonus up: 2.2%
Pikemen's health bonus up: 1.5%
Unit capacity up: 900
Damage taken from unit type (counters you) down: 2.1%
Divine Crown
Divine Crown
Cavalry's Defense bonus up: 2.2%
Cavalry's health bonus up: 3%
Unit capacity up: 1800
Damage taken from unit type (counters you) down: 4.5%
Cavalry's damage taken down: 2.4%
Fiery Sun
Fiery Sun
Archer's Defense bonus up: 2.2%
Archer's health bonus up: 3%
Unit capacity up: 1800
Damage taken from unit type (counters you) down: 4.5%
Archer's damage taken down: 2.4%
Laurel Crown
Laurel Crown
Swordsmen's Defense bonus up: 1.5%
Swordsmen's health bonus up: 1.5%
Unit capacity up: 900
Damage taken from unit type (counters you) down: 2.1%
Plume Hat
Plume Hat
Pikemen's Defense bonus up: 1.5%
Pikemen's health bonus up: 1.5%
Unit capacity up: 900
Damage taken from unit type (counters you) down: 2.1%
Lion Helmet
Lion Helmet
Cavalry's Defense bonus up: 1.5%
Cavalry's health bonus up: 1.5%
Unit capacity up: 900
Damage taken from unit type (counters you) down: 2.1%
Eagle Eye Forehead Protector
Eagle Eye Forehead Protector
Archer's Defense bonus up: 1.5%
Archer's health bonus up: 1.5%
Unit capacity up: 900
Damage taken from unit type (counters you) down: 2.1%
Linen Kerchief
Linen Kerchief
Swordsmen's Defense bonus up: 1%
Swordsmen's health bonus up: 0.9%
Unit capacity up: 540
Simple Straw Hat
Simple Straw Hat
Pikemen's Defense bonus up: 1%
Pikemen's health bonus up: 0.9%
Unit capacity up: 540
Woollen Hood
Woollen Hood
Cavalry's Defense bonus up: 1%
Cavalry's health bonus up: 0.9%
Unit capacity up: 540
Buckskin Hat
Buckskin Hat
Archer's Defense bonus up: 1%
Archer's health bonus up: 0.9%
Unit capacity up: 540
Flowing Force
Flowing Force
Swordsmen's Attack bonus up: 2.2%
Swordsmen's damage up: 2.4%
Base elimination rate during sieges up: 0.6%
Damage dealt to unit type (you counter) up: 4.5%
Skill damage up: 3%
Ring of Chaos
Ring of Chaos
Pikemen's Attack bonus up: 2.2%
Pikemen's damage up: 2.4%
Base elimination rate during sieges up: 0.6%
Damage dealt to unit type (you counter) up: 4.5%
Skill damage up: 3%
Contract of Light
Contract of Light
Cavalry's Attack bonus up: 2.2%
Cavalry's damage up: 2.4%
Base elimination rate during sieges up: 0.6%
Damage dealt to unit type (you counter) up: 4.5%
Skill damage up: 3%
Embrace of Effulgence
Embrace of Effulgence
Archer's Attack bonus up: 2.2%
Archer's damage up: 2.4%
Base elimination rate during sieges up: 0.6%
Damage dealt to unit type (you counter) up: 4.5%
Skill damage up: 3%
Star Handguards
Star Handguards
Swordsmen's Attack bonus up: 1.5%
Swordsmen's damage up: 1.2%
Base elimination rate during sieges up: 0.3%
Damage dealt to unit type (you counter) up: 2.1%
Legacy Arm Armor
Legacy Arm Armor
Pikemen's Attack bonus up: 1.5%
Pikemen's damage up: 1.2%
Base elimination rate during sieges up: 0.3%
Damage dealt to unit type (you counter) up: 2.1%
White Wolf Bracer
White Wolf Bracer
Cavalry's Attack bonus up: 1.5%
Cavalry's damage up: 1.2%
Base elimination rate during sieges up: 0.3%
Damage dealt to unit type (you counter) up: 2.1%
Skyshatter Gauntlets
Skyshatter Gauntlets
Archer's Attack bonus up: 1.5%
Archer's damage up: 1.2%
Base elimination rate during sieges up: 0.3%
Damage dealt to unit type (you counter) up: 2.1%
Sennit Bracer
Sennit Bracer
Swordsmen's Attack bonus up: 1%
Swordsmen's damage up: 0.72%
Base elimination rate during sieges up: 0.15%
Linen Gloves
Linen Gloves
Pikemen's Attack bonus up: 1%
Pikemen's damage up: 0.72%
Base elimination rate during sieges up: 0.15%
Northland Gauntlets
Northland Gauntlets
Cavalry's Attack bonus up: 1%
Cavalry's damage up: 0.72%
Base elimination rate during sieges up: 0.15%
Hunter Gauntlets
Hunter Gauntlets
Archer's Attack bonus up: 1%
Archer's damage up: 0.72%
Base elimination rate during sieges up: 0.15%
Infinite Land
Infinite Land
Swordsmen's Defense bonus up: 2.2%
Swordsmen's health bonus up: 3%
Unit capacity up: 1800
Damage taken from unit type (counters you) down: 4.5%
Swordsmen's damage taken down: 2.4%
Master of Death
Master of Death
Pikemen's Defense bonus up: 2.2%
Pikemen's health bonus up: 1.5%
Unit capacity up: 900
Damage taken from unit type (counters you) down: 2.1%
Cavalry's Defense bonus up: 2.2%
Cavalry's health bonus up: 3%
Unit capacity up: 1800
Damage taken from unit type (counters you) down: 4.5%
Cavalry's damage taken down: 2.4%
Eternal Flare
Eternal Flare
Archer's Defense bonus up: 2.2%
Archer's health bonus up: 3%
Unit capacity up: 1800
Damage taken from unit type (counters you) down: 4.5%
Archer's damage taken down: 2.4%
Silver Chest Armor
Silver Chest Armor
Swordsmen's Defense bonus up: 1.5%
Swordsmen's health bonus up: 1.5%
Unit capacity up: 900
Damage taken from unit type (counters you) down: 2.1%
Silk Shirt
Silk Shirt
Pikemen's Defense bonus up: 1.5%
Pikemen's health bonus up: 1.5%
Unit capacity up: 900
Damage taken from unit type (counters you) down: 2.1%
Bear Chest Armor
Bear Chest Armor
Cavalry's Defense bonus up: 1.5%
Cavalry's health bonus up: 1.5%
Unit capacity up: 900
Damage taken from unit type (counters you) down: 2.1%
Falcon Armor
Falcon Armor
Archer's Defense bonus up: 1.5%
Archer's health bonus up: 1.5%
Unit capacity up: 900
Damage taken from unit type (counters you) down: 2.1%
Wornout Armor
Wornout Armor
Swordsmen's Defense bonus up: 1%
Swordsmen's health bonus up: 0.9%
Unit capacity up: 540
Cotton Top
Cotton Top
Pikemen's Defense bonus up: 1%
Pikemen's health bonus up: 0.9%
Unit capacity up: 540
Chamois Shirt
Chamois Shirt
Cavalry's Defense bonus up: 1%
Cavalry's health bonus up: 0.9%
Unit capacity up: 540
Grizzly Chest Armor
Grizzly Chest Armor
Archer's Defense bonus up: 1%
Archer's health bonus up: 0.9%
Unit capacity up: 540
Shadowless Wind
Shadowless Wind
Swordsmen's Attack bonus up: 2.2%
Swordsmen's damage up: 2.4%
Elimination rate up: 6%
Damage dealt to unit type (you counter) up: 4.5%
Skill damage up: 3%
Nightmare Boots
Nightmare Boots
Pikemen's Attack bonus up: 2.2%
Pikemen's damage up: 2.4%
Elimination rate up: 6%
Damage dealt to unit type (you counter) up: 4.5%
Skill damage up: 3%
Dust Free Boots
Dust Free Boots
Cavalry's Attack bonus up: 2.2%
Cavalry's damage up: 2.4%
Elimination rate up: 6%
Damage dealt to unit type (you counter) up: 4.5%
Skill damage up: 3%
Dawnbreak Boots
Dawnbreak Boots
Archer's Attack bonus up: 2.2%
Archer's damage up: 2.4%
Elimination rate up: 6%
Damage dealt to unit type (you counter) up: 4.5%
Skill damage up: 3%
Shadow Light Boots
Shadow Light Boots
Swordsmen's Attack bonus up: 1.5%
Swordsmen's damage up: 1.2%
Elimination rate up: 3%
Damage dealt to unit type (you counter) up: 2.1%
Leather Boots
Leather Boots
Pikemen's Attack bonus up: 1.5%
Pikemen's damage up: 1.2%
Elimination rate up: 3%
Damage dealt to unit type (you counter) up: 2.1%
Feathered Iron Boots
Feathered Iron Boots
Cavalry's Attack bonus up: 1.5%
Cavalry's damage up: 1.2%
Base elimination rate during sieges up: 3%
Damage dealt to unit type (you counter) up: 2.1%
Night Owl Boots
Night Owl Boots
Archer's Attack bonus up: 1.5%
Archer's damage up: 1.2%
Elimination rate up: 3%
Damage dealt to unit type (you counter) up: 2.1%
Wanderer's Boots
Wanderer's Boots
Swordsmen's Attack bonus up: 1%
Swordsmen's damage up: 0.72%
Elimination rate up: 1.5%
Handmade Boots
Handmade Boots
Pikemen's Attack bonus up: 1%
Pikemen's damage up: 0.72%
Elimination rate up: 1.5%
Furry Boots
Furry Boots
Cavalry's Attack bonus up: 1%
Cavalry's damage up: 0.72%
Elimination rate up: 1.5%
Hare Boots
Hare Boots
Archer's Attack bonus up: 1%
Archer's damage up: 0.72%
Elimination rate up: 1.5%

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