Age of Empires Mobile Legendary Advent Event Guide and Schedule

Age of Empires Mobile Legendary Advent Event Guide and Schedule

Legendary Advent in the Age of Empire is an event where players can get various items, including specific legendary commanders. To get items from Legendary Advent, you will have to activate a spin using the Legendary Advent Recruitment token. What items you will get depends on your luck. Most of the time, Legendary Advent contains strong legendary heroes.

How Does Legendary Advent Work

How Does Legendary Advent Work

Legendary Advent is a simple event where you need a Legendary Advent Recruitment token to activate it. When you use the Legendary Advent Recruitment Token Wheel, it will start spinning, ;and it will land on a random reward. What rewards you will get primarily depends on your luck. The best rewards have extremely low chances of being received. For example, the chance to get 10 legendary commander medals is only 1%.

In every Legendary Advent, you have a few options for commanders to choose from. What commander you will choose depends on your needs, but we recommend that you check out the Age of Empires Tier List so you can see how strong the commander is before you start spinning Legendary Advent.

To change commanders in Legendary Advent, simply click on the blue button in the right part of the screen. There is also a progression bar that will give you rewards after a certain number of spins. This is for pay-to-win players because it is impossible to reach maximum progression in bars without spending money.

The Legendary Advent Schedule

Unfortunately, Legendary Advent doesn’t have a fixed schedule in Age of Empires Mobile. From our observation, it will appear every 2 weeks. Sometimes it can take a longer or shorter time to appear. When developers introduce a new commander, you can be 100% sure that Legendary Advent will appear with that commander.

How to Get a Legendary Advent Recruitment Token

How to Get a Legendary Advent Recruitment Token

There are two ways to get a Legendary Advent Recruitment Token: by purchasing bundles and by spending Empire Coins.

Bundles: To purchase bundles that contain Legendary Advent Recruitment Token simply click on Obtain Draws in the right part of the screen. When you click it, it will open a window containing all bundles with the Legendary Advent Recruitment Token. What you will purchase solely depends on you. 

Empire Tokens: You can purchase Legendary Advent Recruitment Tokens using Empire tokens. You have 2 options: buying 1 Legendary Advent Recruitment Token for 900 Empire tokens or buying 5 of them for a discounted price (840 Empire Coins per token). 

Is Legendary Advent worth it?

Is Legendary Advent worth it?

Now the real question is: is it worth spending Empire Tokens on Legendary Advent? If you are a pay-to-win player, then the answer is yes. If you are a free-to-play player, then the answer is no. If you are a pay-to-win player, you can get a lot of hero medals that will allow you to max out your hero and dominate.

If you are a free-to-play player, you have limited access to Empire Coins, and when you compare the chance of getting a legendary hero token from Legendary Advent, you will see that it is not worth it. There are other places that will give you better value for your Empire Tokens.

The only time when it is worth spending Empire tokens as a free-to-play player on Legendary Advent is when there is an extremely overpowered commander. So you want to spend the empire’s tokens to obtain 10 hero tokens that will allow you to summon that commander. Once you summon that commander, you will be able to use universal legendary tokens on it.

If you are a free-to-play player, first check how strong the commander is in Legendary Advent. Once you confirm that it is strong, start spinning until you get 10 tokens. Once you get 10 tokens, go to your commander list, where you will summon the commander. Once you summon the commander, you can use universal hero medals on him.

Event Rules

  • The legendary Advent event lasts for three days.
  • You can spend Empire coins to draw rewards during the event.
  • Each session of the event features a unique hero. There is a chance to win the hero or their medals.
  • Spin the wheel for certain times in total to unlock progress rewards.
  • During the event, you can spin the wheel up to 2K times.
  • Once the event ends and closes, you will not be able to claim any unclaimed rewards. Keep an eye on the event time and claim rewards in time.
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