Age of Empires Mobile Best Bundles and Packs

Age of Empires Mobile Best Bundles and Packs

The majority of free mobile games have the option to purchase bundles and packs inside a game, especially city-building games like Age of Empires Mobile. They are implemented so the creator can get funding so they can keep updating games, implement new events, game modes, etc. The problem with bundles and packs is that they are giving a lot of advantages to players. That is why the majority of players are against them.

In Age of Empires Mobile, there are an insane number of different bundles and packs, but not all of them have the same value. Some bundles are extremely good for prices, while others are extremely bad. That is why we created this guide so you know what bundles and packs will give you the best value for your money and what bundles you should avoid.


  • Building Queue Pack
  • Monthly Pass
  • Growth Fund
  • Legendary Hero for First Top-Up
  • Limited Time Bounty
  • Daily Special


  • Top Up
  • Hero XP
  • Prize Frenzy
  • Planishing Hammer
  • Legendary Advent Recruitment Tokens

Building Queue Pack

Building Queue Pack will give you insane value for its price. When you purchase this pack, you will get Permanent Building Queue. This additional Building Queue will speed up your progression drastically. That is why you should purchase it even if you are a free-to-play player who will play Age of Empire Mobile for a long time.

Monthly Pass

Monthly Pass

Monthly Pass has 2 versions, and they are both extremely good. The duration of these packs is 30 days. This means that each day you will get empire tokens, resources, skill points, and XP. Now what you have to keep in mind is that you have to claim it each day. Unclaimed items will not be returned or reissued. So if you purchase this, make sure that you log in every day to claim items.

Growth Fund

Growth Fund

Growth Fund is one of the best bundles in Age of Empires Mobile for getting empire tokens. You will need a lot of Empire tokens to purchase hero skills, commander sculptures, and various items. In total, you will get 82,000 Empire tokens. When you purchase this bundle, you will not be able to claim all the empire’s tokens. In order to claim empire tokens, you have to level up your town hall.

You do not have to purchase a Growth Fund immediately. You can purchase it even when you reach town center level 25, for example. When you purchase it at the level 25 town center, you will be able to claim all empire tokens from previous levels.

Legendary Hero for First Top-Up

These bundles will give you legendary heroes for a cheap price. You can choose between Leonidas and Hua Mulan. Both heroes are extremely good, so which one you will choose depends on your troops and other heroes that you have. The reason we recommend this pack is to speed up your progress at the start when you have a limited number of other heroes.

Limited Time Bounty

Limited Time Bounty

Limited Time Bounty is an extremely strong bundle that is used for getting and upgrading legendary hero gear. Now only purchase this if you have already purchased previous bundles that we have mentioned. What you have to know about these bundles is that you cannot claim all items when you purchase them. You have to complete certain quests, but do not worry. Quests are easy, and you have plenty of time. Just make sure that you complete everything before time runs out.

Forging Queue

Forging Queue

There is a lot of gear that you have to craft in Age of Empires Mobile, so getting the Forging Queue will give you great value. Only get this if you really need a forging queue; for example, if you do not have time to log in every few hours or if you forget to put gear in the queue all the time.

Daily Special

Daily Special

Daily Specials are packs that will help you max out heroes as fast as possible. There are three Daily Special versions. Each one guarantees you at least one legendary hero token. Also, you are getting random rewards where you have a chance to get even more legendary hero tokens. How fast you will level up your hero depends on your luck.

If you are a small spender, then purchase only the first one because the other two cost more but do not give you more hero tokens, only more resources. If you can, then feel free to purchase all three so you can max out Hero faster. Keep in mind that you can choose which hero you want to get from a daily special by clicking on the Switch Button. If you are not sure how strong heroes are on the list, then check out the AOE Mobile Tier list.

Pop-Up Bundles

Pop-up bundles will appear when you reach certain milestones, like upgrading the town center or upgrading the hero. The problem with pop-up bundles is that there is an insane amount of them, and you have to be careful when you are purchasing them. Some of them are extremely good, while some of them will give you extremely bad value. The general rule when you see pop-up bundles is to see what items they are giving you. If they are giving you some basic stuff like resource speedups or any items that can be easily obtained, then you should not purchase it. Only purchase it when there are some rare items, heroes, or items that you really need.

Top Up

Top Up

Top Up is a place where you can purchase raw Empire tokens. This is one of the worst ways to spend your money. Simply, it is not worth it. You can get much better value from other packs and bundles. Only buy this if you need a lot of Empire tokens for an event and have the first top-up option with double value. Otherwise, stay away from the Top Up option.

Spend Responsibly

Age of Empires Mobile is a big game with a lot of players from all over the world. Some players are simply in situations where they can spend more than you, but that should put pressure on you to spend more or make you stop playing the game. You do not have to spend to have fun and to progress. I know that it can seem weird, but you can progress really far, contribute, and help your alliance even if you do not purchase a single thing. At the start, it will be hard for a free-to-play player, but with time, the gap between free-to-play and pay-to-win players is closing.

Think twice before you spend and ask yourself the question: will you continue to play the game for a long time, and is it really worth spending? The information provided in this list is for general informational purposes only. I am not responsible for any financial decisions made based on this content. All recommendations are my personal opinions, and I do not guarantee any specific outcome or benefit from purchasing the packs and bundles listed. Please do your own research and consider your financial situation before making any purchases.

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