Age of Empires Mobile Profile & Settings

Governor Info is Age of Empires Mobile is a place where you will find all the information and settings for your account. A lot of players rarely visit Governor Info, but it is extremely important because there you can set an account, icon, city theme, set settings to improve performance, etc. So in this guide, we will cover everything that you can find in Governor Info.



Customize is a place where you can change the city theme, title, portrait, chat bubble, and emojis. What you will choose solely depends on your preference. It does not impact gameplay in any way.


When you click on the share option, the game will download an image of your governor profile. This is great if you want to share your progression with other players and your friends.



It shows your character’s name, and that is what other players can see. To change your name, simply click on the feather icon. The limit for names is 12 English letters or 6 Chinese characters. So keep that limitation in mind if you are planning to change your name. Nothing is free in mobile games, so you need to purchase a name-change item in the store. It costs 500 Empire coins, and you can purchase one daily.

Military Power

Military Power

Military power shows you how much power you have. But there is a secret function to the Military Power section. When you click the > icon, it will open stats for your whole account, like how much research speed you have, your building speed, and your troop’s stats like health, defense, and much more. This is extremely useful in the end game, where you are building powerful unit combos.


Merits show you the number of enemy units that you have killed. Unfortunately, it does not show what types of units are in Tier 5 or Tier 6. Hopefully, you will implement a detailed report in the future.

Civilization Change

Civilization Change

A lot of players want to change but do not know how. To change civilization, simply click on the icon above civilization. When you click it, it will open a list of all civilizations that you can use.

Governor Account

Governor Account is your Age of Empire account ID. It is how developers track your account, but it is displayed so your friends can easily find and add you.

Settings Option

Settings Option

Setting Options is a section where all performance and game options are listed, like redeeming codes, changing language, linking accounts, etc.

  • Notifications: Here, you can choose various notifications that you want or do not want to receive. Choose ones that you think are important to you and your playstyle.
  • Game Settings: Here you can choose some in-game functions like skill vibration and volume. There are a lot of them. We recommend that you test each one so you can find one that you like.
  • Graphic Settings: This one is crucial. If you have a low-end phone or PC, we recommend that you lower the graphics to a minimum. The reason is that when you are in a big fight, you will lag a lot, so your overall performance will be terrible. You will not be able to move troops or change units that you are targeting.
  • Account Settings: Account settings are the most crucial setting that you have to visit when you start playing Age of Empires Mobile. Here you will link your progress to your email, so you will not lose all your progress if you lose your phone or some update happens. Also, if you are planning to play Age of Empires Mobile on PC, this setting is crucial for transferring data from mobile devices to PCs. Also, when you click more buttons, you will see an option to delete the account. Privacy: Here you can edit privacy settings, like access to the camera and microphone.
  • Gift Redemption: This is the place where you will enter the redemption code that you have. Simply write or paste the code that you have and press the button. If the code is valid, you will receive rewards immediately.
  • Language: If you make a mistake and choose the wrong language at the start of the game, the language setting is the place where you can change it.
  • Customer Service: If you have any questions, regardless of the game or payment, you can contact customer support inside the game by clicking the button Customer Service.

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