The Mightiest Governor is a multi-stage event in Age of Empires Mobile where players compare for various rewards, including specific legendary hero medals. There are 7 stages, and each stage’s duration is 24 hours. Rewards are extremely good, but if you are free-to-play player, you will struggle to get them. The majority of top 100 rankings will be filled with pay-to-win players.
So if you are planning to rank in the top 100 on The Mightiest Governor, you need to completely understand how The Mightiest Governor works, and you have to plan and prepare your account. Overall, if you want to win The Mightiest Governor, you have to save for a few months everything from resources to hero medals.
Some kingdoms are aware that The Mightiest Governor is an extremely pay-to-win event, so they are forbidding players to compete. They want to give spots to players who contribute the most to the kingdom, whether they play for free or pay to win.
The Mightiest Governor Stages
There are 7 stages. Each stage will give you points for different activities. Down below, you can find all 7 stages with information on what you have to do in order to earn points.
Stage 1: Tribal Raid
Tribal Raid is a stage where you have to defeat barbarians. The problem with this stage is that if you are free to play, you will simply not have stamina. There is some free stamina that you can get from events, but the overall amount is very small. Also, purchasing stamina from a VIP shop is simply not worth it.
To get the highest points here, you have to save all your stamina before events start and attack the highest-level barbarian, which is 30. They will give you the highest points.
- Defeat the tribe lv 1-4 : 50
- Defeat the tribe lv 5-8 : 80
- Defeat the tribe lv 9-12 : 100
- Defeat the tribe lv 13-16 : 150
- Defeat the tribe lv 17-20 : 180
- Defeat the tribe lv 21-24 : 220
- Defeat the tribe lv 25-28 : 260
- Defeat the tribe lv 29-30 : 300
Stage 2: Hero Growth
The Hero Growth stage is about powering your heroes. In this stage, you want to upgrade all your skills, use medals, and craft gear. There is nothing special that you can do at this stage. If you are a free-to-play player, you simply have to collect materials for upgrading heroes over 2 months. It’s up to you if you want to sacrifice your gameplay for a few months to score higher on the Mightiest Governor event.
- Use 1 epic hero exclusive medal : 500
- Use 1 legendary hero exclusive medal : 2,500
- Use 1 universal epic skill advancement item : 350
- Use 1 universal legendary skill advancement item : 2,000
- Craft 1 piece of rare gear : 1,000
- Craft 1 piece of epic gear : 5,000
- Craft 1 piece of legendary gear : 15,000
Stage 3: Gather Resources
This stage is simple. All you have to do is gather resources. You want to use gathering heroes with gathering talent trees. This will boost your gathering speed drastically. On top, you want to gather the highest-level nodes because they will give you more gathering speed. If you want to get more advantage, you want to start gathering before this stage starts.
Once events start, then you can call units back to the city to get points. If your gatherers finish gathering before events start, do not let them enter back to the city. Simply wait in the alliance building or near the city until the event starts.
- Spin 1x in Legendary Advent : 1,000
- Gather 100 wood : 1
- Gather 100 food : 1
- Gather 100 stone : 1
- Gather 100 gold : 1
Stage 4: Race Against Time
During this stage, to get points, you can upgrade rings or use building and research speedups. A lot of players make mistakes here by completing building or researching. Let’s say that it takes you 30 days to complete research, but if you complete it with speedups, you will lose points that you can get in stage 6.
On stage 6, you are getting points for power increases from research and building. Now what you want to do is speedups 30 days till 3 days are left, so when the power boost stage starts, you can simply finish it to gain a lot of free points.
- Use 1 copper sand to upgrade signet rings : 400
- Use 1 silver sand to upgrade signet rings : 1,000
- Use 1 fine gold to upgrade signet rings : 3,000
- Use 1 meteor steel to upgrade signed rings : 20,000
- Use 1m building speed-up : 30
- Use 1m research speed-up : 30
- Complete 1 time of Fine Craft : 2,000
Stage 5: Unit Training
On stage 5, you will get points for training and upgrading your units. A higher tier of units you train or upgrade means more points. Stage 5 is the perfect time to upgrade your units. Each time you upgrade units, you will get an extra 1 point.
If you are upgrading units from Tier 4 to Tier 5, it will not cost like fresh Tier 5. All the time and resources that you have spent on training Tier 4 will be removed from the Tier 5 cost. If it took you 1000 wood to train tier 4 and to train tier 5 cost 3k wood, that means that you will need 2k wood to upgrade from tier 4 to tier 5. This is the perfect time to upgrade all your lower-tier units and get rid of them.
- Train 1 lv.3 unit : 5
- Train 1 lv.4 unit : 10
- Train 1 lv.5 unit : 20
- Train 1 lv.6 unit : 50
- Train 1 lv.7 unit : 100
- Unit promotion grants extra points : 1
Stage 6: Power Boost
To get points on Power Boost, you need to complete research, build, and train units. You probably will not be able to get any points from here because you already spent your resources on previous stages.
- Construct the citadel to increase power by 1 : 2
- Research technology to increase power by 1 : 2
- Train units to increase power by 1 : 2
Stage 7: Go All Out
It is a combination of all previous stages. This stage can be dangerous because you can lose your rankings, especially in the last few minutes of events. Always keep your eye on ranking during this stage.
- Defeat the tribe lv 1-4 : 50
- Defeat the tribe lv 5-8 : 80
- Defeat the tribe lv 9-12 : 100
- Defeat the tribe lv 13-16 : 150
- Defeat the tribe lv 17-20 : 180
- Defeat the tribe lv 21-24 : 220
- Defeat the tribe lv 25-28 : 260
- Defeat the tribe lv 29-30 : 300
- Gather 100 wood : 1
- Gather 100 food : 1
- Gather 100 stone : 1
- Gather 100 gold : 1
- Construct the citadel to increase power by 1 : 2
- Research technology to increase power by 1 : 2
- Train units to increase power by 1 : 2
- Use 1 epic hero exclusive medal : 250
- Use 1 legendary hero exclusive medal : 1,750
- Use 1 universal epic skill advancement item : 175
- Use 1 universal legendary skill advancement item : 1,000
- Spin 1x in Legendary Advent : 1,000