Hero Medals in Age of Empires Mobile are items that are used for upgrading hero Signature skill and getting attribute boosts. Every few upgrade costs will go up. The total number of hero medals that you need to reach the maximum upgrade is 590, which is not a small number. There are 3 different types of Hero Medals: Specific Hero Medals, Universal Legendary Hero Medals, and Universal Epic Hero Medals. The number of medals you need is the same for legendary and epic. Currently, there is one Hero that has the unique rarity Mythic, but you need an extremely high VIP level that we still have not reached.
Medals are extremely important if you want to have a strong hero, which is why getting as many as you can should be your main focus. Keep in mind that in order to summon heroes, you will need 10 specific hero medals before you are able to use universal medals. For example, you have to get 10 Cao Cao-specific medals to unlock him, and then you can start converting universal medals if you want.
Medals are hard to get. You simply will not be able to get all the heroes on Max as free-to-play players because there are so many. Furthermore, certain events, such as The Mightiest Governor, require you to rank in the top 50 to unlock certain heroes. That is why it is important that you focus on heroes who are strong and who can obtain them relatively easily. Feel free to use our Medals Calculator if you want to know how many more medals you need to reach hero maximum upgrade.
Hero Medals Requirements
Rank | Medals Cost | Rank X needs Y medals to max |
1 | 3 | 587 |
2 | 3 | 584 |
3 | 3 | 581 |
4 | 3 | 578 |
5 | 8 | 570 |
6 | 8 | 562 |
7 | 8 | 554 |
8 | 8 | 546 |
9 | 8 | 538 |
10 | 18 | 520 |
11 | 16 | 504 |
12 | 16 | 488 |
13 | 16 | 472 |
14 | 16 | 456 |
15 | 36 | 420 |
16 | 25 | 395 |
17 | 25 | 370 |
18 | 25 | 345 |
19 | 25 | 320 |
20 | 50 | 270 |
21 | 40 | 230 |
22 | 40 | 190 |
23 | 40 | 150 |
24 | 40 | 110 |
25 | 110 | 0 |
Types of Hero Medals
There are 3 types of medals in Age of Empires Mobile:
Universal Legendary Hero Medals: These medals are used for upgrading any legendary hero once you summon him. These medals are extremely rare, so we recommend that you do not use them on heroes that are in Hero Recruitment because, with time, you will max out all heroes from there. Use Universal Legendary Hero Medals on heroes that are hard to obtain, like Hero from Mightiest Governor or specific events that are limited.
Universal Epic Hero Medals: These medals are similar to legendary tokens, but the only difference is that you do not have to save them. Most Epic heroes are not that strong, and they are easily obtainable. There is no point in saving them.
Specific Hero Medals: This medal is specific to its hero. For example, if it is a Cao Cao-specific medal, then it can only be used to upgrade Cao Cao. Also, you will need 10 specific hero medals to summon heroes before you are able to use universal medals.
How to Get Specific Hero Medals
Here is a list of how to get specific medals for each hero. Keep in mind that this list changes as updates and time goes on because developers, after some time, make certain heroes easier to obtain.
Hero | Might |
Suleiman | Legendary Advent |
Yi Sun-Shin | Tavern |
Bushra | Hero Rally |
Queen Seondeok | Hero Rally |
Leonidas | First Top-up Pack |
Richard | Legendary Advent |
Constantine the Great | VIP Chest |
Hannibal | Legendary Advent |
Tariq | Hero Rally |
Miyamoto Musashi | VIP Chest |
Frederick Barbarossa | Daily Special Kingdom’s Hoard |
Philip IV | Hero Rally |
Rani Durgavati | Daily Special Pack Kingdom’s Hoard |
Theodora | Hero Rally |
Justinian the Great | The Mightiest Governor |
King Derrick | Giant’s Roar Event |
Ashoka | The Mightiest Governor |
Attila The Hun | Legendary Advent |
Harald | Tavern Hero Rally |
Guan Yu | Tavern Hero Rally |
Hammurabi | 7-Day Login Event Hero Rally Tavern |
Joan Of Arc | Battlefield Survivor Hero Rally Tavern |
Josephine | Battlefield Survivor Hero Rally Tavern |
Darius the Great | Login Next Day Event Exploration |
Li Daoxuan | Tavern |
Leo | Tavern |
Leon | Tavern |
Axel | Tavern |
Baldassi | Tavern |
Wu Wei | Tavern |
Nino | Tavern |
Clyde | Tavern |
Cui Ruyi | Tavern |
Gao Meng | Tavern |
Yuan Xia | Tavern |
Gatos | Tavern |
Narses | Tavern |
Luki | Tavern |
Kaso | Tavern |
Thanius | Tavern |
Tribhuwana | Legendary Advent |
Yi Seong Gye | Tavern |
Yodit | Legendary Advent |
Ram Khamhaeng | The Mightiest Governor |
Lu Bu | Legendary Advent |
Boudica | Legendary Advent |
Bellevue | Legendary Advent |
Tokugawa Ieyasu | Tavern |
Diao Chan | Heroic Expedition Store |
Toyotomi Hideyoshi | Tavern |
Sejong The Great | Tavern |
Oda Nobunaga | Tavern |
Julius Caesar | Hero Rally |
King Arthur | King Arthur’s Arrival Event (VIP 17) |
Cleopatra | Tavern |
Cid | Legendary Advent |
Sun Tzu | Legendary Advent |
Octavian | Legendary Advent |
Hua Mulan | First Top-up Pack |
How to Get Universal Legendary Hero Medals
There are a lot of ways to get legendary hero medals, but the most important ways are events.
- Events: There is a huge amount of events in Age of Empires Mobile where a lot of them have Legendary Hero medals as part of rewards. We always recommend that you complete all events, especially ones that have legendary hero medals. As a free-to-play player, you simply have to do it if you plan to compete against pay-to-win players.
- Bundles: If you go to an in-game shop, you will see that there are bundles that contain hero medals that you can purchase. They are quite expensive, so it’s up to you if you want to buy them.
- VIP 15: I know that it is hard, but every player should reach VIP 15 as soon as possible. On VIP 15, you will start getting universal legendary hero medals daily, with their huge value considering how rare they are.